Pushkinskaya Biblioteka

Пушкинская библиотека


The Pushkin library series published in 1936

 to commemorate the 100th death day of Aleksandr Pushkin (1799-1837)



no. 1

Руслан и Людмила

Ruslan and Liudmila



no. 2 (16015)

Кавказский пленник

The Caucasian captive

illustrated with folk prints


no. 3 (9763)



with 19th century Illustrations


no. 4 (9764)


The robber- brothers

with 19th century Illustrations


no. 5 (9765)

Бахчисарайский фонтан

Bakhchisaraiskii fontan

The Bakhchisarai fountain

with 19th century Illustrations

no. 6 (9766)



Illustrated by K. Klementeva

no. 7 (9767)

Медный всадник

The bronze horseman

Illustrated by A.N. Benois

no. 8 (9768)


The shot

Illustrated by K. Rudakov


no. 9 (9769)


The snowstorm

Illustrated by K. Rudakov


no. 10 (16016)


The undertaker

Illustrated by N.Zaretskii

no. 11 (9770)

Станционный смотритель

The stationmaster

Illustrated by M. Dubujinsky


no. 12 (7481)

Барышня крестянянка

The noble farmers daughter

Illustrated by M. Dubujinsky


no. 13 (16252)

Сказка о царе Салтане

The tale of tsar Saltan

with 19th century Illustrations

no. 14 (16251)

Сказка о золотом петушке

The tale of the golden cockerel

with 19th century Illustrations


no. 15 (4488)

Сказкоа о мертвой царевне

The tale of the dead princess

Illustrated by V. Andreev

no. 16 (9771)

Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке

The tale of the fisherman and the fish

with 19th century woodcuts


no. 17 (9772)

Сказка о попе...

The tale of the priest...

Illustrated by A. Kanevskii

no. 18 (9773)

Стихи I

Poems I

with 19th century illustrations

no. 19 (9774)

Стихи II

Poems II

with 19th century illustrations

no. 20 (9775)

Стихи III

Poems III

 with 19th century illustrations