За пролетарское искусство

For proletarian art

Moscow: IZOGIS, 1930-1932


In the summer of 1930, the Federation of United Soviet Artists worked out the "Project of a platform for the consolidation of proletarian forces on the izofront", putting forward the slogan "For proletarian art!" The project was based on the idea of ​​differentiating artists by class. The main core of the new organization was made up of members of  the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia (AKhR), the Youth Association of the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia (OMAKhR), the Federation of Associations of Soviet Artists (FOSH). Although the announced platform did not carry anything new and simply duplicated the main ideological concepts of previous years about "artistic production", "poster-picture politics", "liquidation of a breakthrough" in the economy by means of art and culture. From the very first days of its existence, the platform began to claim the role of the main, leading artistic and political organization. On the whole, the organization of this Association (RAPH) is an attempt to modernize the proletkult-Lef principles of production-constructivist concepts in the name of "magnetostroy art", the introduction of creativity into all forms of social life. The magazine started in November 1930 with the publication of declarations of the association. It was followed by 10 issues of the magazine in 1931 and 8 issues in 1932. In all 19 issues (22 numbers) were published. The Magazine was the successor to Iskusstvo v massy (Art for the masses).



Getty 1997, no. 852

Moscow 2000, p. 95

Hellyer 2006, no. 872




1931 1932