Segodnia (1918 - 1919) |
All publications |
1. Remizov,Aleksei Snezhok [Snowball] Petrograd: 1918 Design and illustrations by Turova 2. Esenin,Sergei Isus-Mladenets [Baby Jesus] Petrograd: 1918 Design and illustrations by Turova 3. Sokolov-Mitikov, Ivan Zasuponia [The pineapple Zasuponia] Petrograd: 1918 Design and illustrations by Liubavina 4. Vengrov, Natan Myshata [Little mice] Petrograd: 1918 Design and illustrations by Ermolaeva 5. Vengrov, Natan Khvoi [Spruce needles]. Petrograd: 1918 Design and illustrations by Turova 6. Vengrov, Natan Petukh [The cockerel] Petrograd: 1918 Design and illustrations by Ermolaeva 7. Liubavina,N. Kak propala Baba Iaga [How Baba Iaga flew] Petrograd: 1918 Design and illustrations by N.Laptin 8. Annenov,Iurii, 1/4 deviatago, 1919 [A quarter past eight]. Design and illustrations by Annnkov 205 x 150 mm. 4 pages. Edition:1,000. 9. Dubnova,Sofiia Mat [Mother] Petrograd: 1918 Design and illustrations by Liubavina |
10. Vengrov, Natan Segodnya [Today]. Petrograd: 1918 Design and illustrations by Ermolaeva 11 Vengrov, Natan, Sebe samumy [To oneself] Petrograd: 1918 Design and illustrations by Liubavina 12. Whitman,Walt Pionery, [Pioneers] Petrograd: 1918 Design and illustrations by Ermolaeva 13. Kuzmin, Mikhail Dvum [The both of us] Petrograd: 1918 Design and illustrations by Turova 14. Remizov,Aleksei O sudbe ognennoi [On fiery destiny] Petrograd: 1918 Design and illustrations by Turova 15. Zamiatin, Evgenii Vereshki, [Slivers]. Petrograd: 1918 Design and illustrations by Liubavina 16. Aleksandra Dorinskaia, Tansy [Aleksandra Dorinskaia, dances]. Petrograd: 1918 Design and illustrations by Liubavina 17. Vengrov,Natan Zverushki [Beasties] Moscow: Giz, 1921 Illustrations by Altman, Annekov, Ermolaeva, Liubavina and Turova 18. Vengrov,Natan Zverushki, [Beasties] Moscow: Gosizdat, 1923 |