Rea Nikonova

Serge Segay


Serge Sigov

ЖИВОПИСЬ И ГРАФИКА XVII - первой половины XX веков из собрания Ейского музея. Каталог выставки

Eisk: Department of Painting and Graphics of the Eisk Regional-History Museum, [1988]

197 x 140 mm. 20 pages

Edition: 100 copies




In 1988 Segay mounted his first exhibition of paintings and lithographs from the 17th to first half of the 20th century. A small catalogue with some black and white reproductions was published in an edition of 100 copies. In September 1990 Segay started working as an Art Exhibitions Manager in the Eisk Historical Regional Museum. In December 1992, he was promoted to Fine Arts Department Director, a job he left in January 1994.


Bookwork 2016, no. 1988-05