Issachar Ryback

(1897 - 1935)



Miriam Margolin

Mayselekh far kleyninke kinderlekh

Little stories for little children

Petrograd: Kamisariat far folkbildung, 1922

215 x 275 mm. 24 pages. 

Edition: unknown



Mayselekh far kleyninke kinderlekh dertsaylt fun Miriam Margolin. Sharblat un tekst ilustrit fun Y. B. Rybak. Published in Berlin by Selle & Co. for the Yiddisher Sektsye van komisariat far folkbildung R.S.P.S.R (=RSFSR). The three volumes have the same colour cover except for a small roman numeral in the lower right corner.



Düsseldorf 2018, no. 13