На стройке МТС и совхосов


The construction of MTS and sovkhozes


Moscow: OGIZ-IZOGIZ, 1934-1937


Soviet illustrated monthly magazine, published in the publishing house of fine arts from 1934 to 1937 in six issues per year. The magazine was specialized in promoting the achievements of the MTs and collective farm development. MTS is a state agricultural enterprise in the USSR and a number of other socialist states that provided technical and organizational assistance with agricultural machinery to large agricultural producers (collective farms, state farms, agricultural cooperatives). The magazine stood out as an independent publication from the magazine USSR in ConstructionSB Uritskii, a member of the editorial board of the USSR in Construction, became the executive editor. The editorial board of the new journal included A.P. KarpinskiiB.F.MalkinF. Panferov. The closest collaborators were M. GorkyP. P. Kryuchkov, and  A. B. Khalatov. By means of a photo essay and photo reportage, the magazine promoted "the best examples of honest work on the collective farm, the best examples of organizational activity in MTS and state farms, the best achievements in the field of raising agriculture, culture and everyday life of collective farms and state farms." Printed on fine paper using mezzotinto and colour offset techniques. The first issue was published in July 1934. The magazine was closed for the third issue in 1937. El Lissistky and his wife Sophie Lissitzky-Küppers participated in several issues of the magazine.



Moscow 2000, p. 202

Kantsedikas 2004, no. 5:37