Vladimir Mayakovskii

(1893 - 1930)


Vladimir Mayakovskii

Chto ni stranistsa - to slon, to lvitsa

The page does not matter, there is an elephant and a lion on it

Kiev: Kh.O.P.S.S.Kh.U., [c. 1935]

115 x 154 mm. 10 pages. 

Edition: 20,000.




First published in Tiflis, in 1928 with illustrations by K. Zdanevich.

Thios edition is illustrated by Lev Kaplan



Eindhoven 2013, nr. 51

Tarasenkov 1966, p. 287

Petrov 1972, p. 229







Vladimir Mayakovskii

Chto ni stranistsa - to slon, to lvitsa

The page does not matter, there is an elephant and a lion on it

Moscow: Detizdat, 1938

143 x 107 mm. 12 pages

Edition: 500,300. 






Illustrated by Fedor Glebov





Vladimir Mayakovskii

Chto ni stranistsa - to slon, to lvitsa

The page does not matter, there is an elephant and a lion on it

Leningrad: Detgiz, 1954

280 x 221 mm. 12 pages

Edition: 200,000.




Illustrated by Vladimir Lebedev






Vladimir Mayakovskii

Chto ni stranistsa - to slon, to lvitsa

The page does not matter, there is an elephant and a lion on it

Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1983

278 x 215 mm. 16 pages 

Edition: 300,000.






Illustrated by Viktor Bokovnya




Vladimir Mayakovskii

Chto ni stranistsa - to slon, to lvitsa

The page does not matter, there is an elephant and a lion on it

Moscow: Detskaya Literatura, 1987

278 x 212 mm. 16 pages

Edition: 1,500,000




With photographs by V. Datskevich