Veselye kartinki

Веселые картинки

Funny pictures

Moscow: Molodaya gvardiya, 1956 - to date


Funny pictures is a Soviet and Russian comic monthly for children. It was published from September 24, 1956 until 1991 as organ of the Central Committee of the Komsomol. The magazine includes comics, poems, riddles, games and jokes. Kabakov contributed to fifteen issues of this children's magazine.



Moscow 2000, p. 195.


1969 no. 10

1969 no. 12

1970 no. 2

1970 no. 3


1978 no. 7


1978 no. 10

1978 no. 12

1979 no. 2

1979 no. 8

1979 no. 12


1980 no. 1

1982 no. 7


1983 no. 1


1984 no. 2

1987 no. 4