Mikhail Grobman

(1939 - )


Mikhail Grobman



Jerusalem: Grobman, 1975

348 x 248 mm. page 1

Edition: unknown. 



Issue 1: January 1975 (folded sheet)


Leviathan. A journal for poetry and art published in three issues only. The journal (all issues were originally handwritten by Grobman) contains poems by Genrikh Sapgir, Igor Kholin, Vsevolod Nekrasov, Eduard Limonov, Vladimir Yakovlev, Saveli Grinberg, Michail Grobman and others; passages from Grobman's diaries; an article in memory of the artist Aryeh Baruch; photographs of art works, and more. The journal also contains the manifest of the Leviathan group. Grobman established the Leviathan Group in 1975 in collaboration with Avraham Ofek and Samuel Ackerman. The style of the group represented a blend of contemporary art, Jewish themes, symbolism, and metaphysics. In the manifesto Grobman set forth the group's goals: "Our joint appearance is an incipient attempt to create an inclusive national style that befits the spirit of the building of the New Israel […], our political basis [is] Zionism. Our spiritual basis – Jewish mysticism. Three foundations define our artistic stance: 1. Primitivism 2. Symbol 3. Letter."