Mariya Granavtseva
Гранавцева, Мария Степановна
Painter, graphic artist
Born Cheremkhovo (Irkutsk) 28 May
Died Moscow, 18 February 1989 |
Granavtseva studied 1922-23 at the
pedagogical department of the Cheremkhov Technical school and worked at
an orphanage, as a coal picker, and a telephone operator before moving
to Moscow in 1924. She studied 1924-1930 at the Moscow VKhUTEMAS under
A. Drevin, N. Udaltsova and David Shterenberg whom she married in 1930.
around 1930 she illustrated some children's books but in the 1930s she
mainly worked as a painter of landscapes and still lives. During the war
she was evacuated to Irkutsk where she designed posters. S. Adlivankin
painted her portrait in 1935, now in the Moscow Tretyakov gallery. |