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Moscow: Volnitsa, 1922-1924


The magazine Gostinitsa dlya puteschestvuyushchkikh v prekrasnom was published from 1922 to 1924 by the 'Association of Freethinkers' and was one of the main publications of the poets-Imaginists. Among the authors were Sergei Esenin, Anatolii Mariengof, Ivan Gruzinov, Matvei Roizman, Aleksandr Kusikov, Nikolai Erdman, Vadim Shershenevich, and others. The magazine was published in only four issues with N. Savkin as the editor. The journal widely presents problematic and polemical articles on the role of poetry and art in the modern literary and social process, the editorial board assigns a large place to the issues of national self-determination of art, sharply polemically poses the question of the relationship and cultural dialogue between Russia and Europe. The constructivist cover design is by an unknown artist.


1922 no. 1

1923 no. 2

1924 no. 1(3)

1924 no. 4