Viktor Goppe

(1962 - )               [


Eduard Limonov

Сэр Лимон и история с Узбеками

Sir Limon and the story with the Uzbeks

Moscow: Goppe, 2009

420 x 300 mm. 44 pages 

Edition: 7. Copy nr. 5/7 signed by the author






Eduard Limonov (born 1943 as Eduard Savenko) is a writer, poet, and publicist. Probably because of his radical political views, Limonov had to emigrate to New York in the 1970s, where he worked for a Russian-language newspaper. In 1980 he left for Paris and was granted French citizenship in 1987. His Russian citizenship was restored in 1992 and Limonov returned to Moscow. Limonov’s writing and poems contain many pornographic descriptions and lean towards punk subculture and radical politics. In 2001 he landed in prison because of his political views, but was released on parole after two years. Sir Limon and the history of the Uzbeks is a collection of poems that are illustrated with zincography’s by Goppe. All poems in this collection bear similar ‘what if’ titles. The collection opens with ‘What if my granddad were Hans-Christian Andersen’ (ill.1), which is followed by ‘What if my father were Mussolini’ (ill.2), : ‘What if my sister were Princess Diana’ (ill.3), and ‘What if my mother were Krupskaia’ (Lenin’s wife). The difficulty Goppe had to overcome in his illustrations is the textual fluidity of reality and socio-political phenomena that Limonov put into his verses.


2016, Eindhoven VAM, nr. 82