Georgii Golts

Гольц, Георгий Павлович

Architect, scenographer

Born Moscow, 6 March 1893

Died Moscow, 27 May 1946


Golts studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, and at the Vkhutemas, graduating in 1922. He was a pilot in the Red Army and also worked as a translator for the Revolutionary Military Council. In the 1920s he worked as a graphic artist and participated in exhibitions of the Futurists. After 1924, Goltz began working as a scenographer. In 1924-1925 he travelled to Italy, where he studied architecture. Between 1925 and 1932 Goltz mainly worked as an architect and in 1932, he participated in the competition for the Palace of Soviets and  won the third prize.Throughout his life he worked as a graphic artist and painter,  combining scenography and architecture