Naum Gabo
Певзнер, Неемия Абрамович
Sculptor, graphic artist
Born Briansk, 4 August
Died Waterbury (Conn), 23
August 1977
Gabo was born as Neemia
Abramovich Pevsner, the son of the owner of a metals factory. 1910-13 he
studied in Munich, dipping into Medicine, Engeneering, Philosophy and
art history. In 1914 he moved to Christiania (Oslo) where he was joined
by his brother Natan (Antoine) Pevsner. In April 1917 they returned to
Russia in support of the Revolution. In Moscow the brothers published
their Realist Manifesto. In 1922 he went to Berlin as fellow organizer
of the van Diemen show, and lived there for ten years. In 1932 he joined
his brother in Paris. In 1936 he settled in London and in 1937 he met
and married the American painter Miriam Israels. In 1939 he left for the
USA where he (from 1952) lived in Middlebury (Conn.) |