Robert Falk

Фальк, Роберт Рафаилович


Born Moscow, 27 October 1886

Died Moscow, 1 October 1958


Falk studied in 1903 and 1904 at the studios of K. Iuon and I. Mashkov. From 1905 to 1909 he tudied at the Moscow School of painting, Sculpture and architecture under K. Korovin and V. Serov. Falk was one of the founder of the Jack of Diamond group in Moscow in 1910. From 1918 to 1928 Falk taught at the Moscow Vkhutemas. In 1928 he went to Paris but refused to return until 1938. After he lived and worked in Moscow mostley in isolation. In the 1960s he became a source of inspiration for many artists of the unofficial art.