Serge Eisenstein

Эйзенштейн, Сергей Михайлович

Film director

Born Riga 23 January 1898

Died Moscow 11 February 1948

Eisenstein studied architecture and engineering at the Petrograd Institute of Civil Engineering. In 1918 Sergei joined the Red Army and was transferred to a command position in Minsk. At this time, he studied Japanese which he cited as an influence on his pictorial development. In 1920 Eisenstein moved to Moscow, and began working as a designer for the theatre of Vsevolod Meyerhold. In 1923 Eisenstein began his career as a theorist by writing for the journal Lef. Eisenstein's first film was also made in that same year. In 1928 he started travelling and working in Europe, the USA and Mexico. In 1933 he returned to the Soviet Union.



1967 - 68







1978 - 79


