Boris Efimov

Ефимов, Борис Ефимович

Caricaturist, graphic artist

Born Kiev, 15  September 1900

Died Moscow, 1 October 2008


Boris Efimov (born Boris Fridland) was the brother of the writer Boris Koltsov, with whom he published a handwritten school magazine while in Bialystok. In 1918 he moved to Kiev and started publishing cartoons in the magazine 'The Spectator'. In 1920 he worked as a cartoonist for several magazines in Odessa, and in 1922 he started working in Moscow for the newspapers 'Pravda' 'Izvestia' and the magazines 'Krokodil' and 'Chudak'. Due to the arrest of his brother Boris Koltsov in 1938 he was forced to work as a book illustrator until 1940. Between 1966 and 1990 Efimov was editor-in-chief of 'Agitplakat', publishing political posters. He died in Moscow at the age of 108 years.