Alexandre Archipenko
Архипенко, Александр Порфирович
Sculptor, graphic artist
Born Kiev, 30 May 1887
Died New York, 25 February 1964
Arkhipenko entered the Kiev art school in 1902, but
was expelled in 1905 for criticising the instructors for their artistic
conservatism. He went to Moscow in 1906, but left Russia permanently two
years later. He briefly studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris,
then joined other expatriate artists of La Ruche. He exhibited at the
Salon des lndépendants from 1910, at the Salon de la Section d'Or in
1912 and 1920, and in a number of exhibitions in both Europe and America.
He founded art schools in Paris in 1912 and Berlin in 1921. He emigrated
to the United States in 1923, became a citizen in 1929,opened several
schools and lectured and taught at both art schools and universities. He
was primarily a sculptor, creating highly stylised and simplified
three-dimensional images of women which have great beauty. He devised a
motor-driven construction which could display a variety of image formats
which he called Archipentura and patented in 1927. |