Georges Annenkov

(1889 - 1974)




Aleksandr Blok


The Twelve

Peterburg: Alkonost, 1918

314 x 248 mm. 62 pages.

Edition: 300
















The twelve is Blok’s most famous poem. He finished writing it on 28 January 1918 and it was printed on 3 March 1918 in the Newspaper The Banner of Labour. Together with Blok’s The Scythians it was printed as a brochure without illustrations. Because of its appeal to the public, Alianskii, the publisher of Alkonost, decided to print an illustrated edition. The first set of designs that Annenkov made for The Twelve gained the general approval of the poet, although he had some objections. In a letter to Annenkov he made his remarks and Annenkov took these seriously. The story is about twelve soldiers who march  in St. Petersburg in cold winter. One of them murders his girlfriend out of jealousy. It is the murder of the old world and the sadness of the soldier is overcome by the revolution. In the end the twelve soldiers are preceded by Jesus Christ. It is especially this last part that made the poem controversial. Was Christ leading (as believed the Russian emigrants) or was He just walking away from the scene? In the clever drawing that Annenkov provided at the request of Blok, the answer is not provided. The book was published in an edition of 300 hand coloured copies, and one month later in a regular edition of 10,000 copies.



Tarasenkov 1966, p. 63

Rozanov 1975, nr. 2273

Berlijn 1983, p. 24-25

Berlin 1987, p.12

SPB, 1989: nr. 5

Stanford 1989: p. 34

Mainz 1993, nr. 70

München 1993, nr. 43

Getty 1997, nr. 82

NYPL 1998, nr. 34

Petergof 2001, nr. 0

Seslavinskii 2009, p. 86-91

Paris 2010, p. 22





Aleksandr Blok


The Twelve

Peterburg: Alkonost, 1918

340 x 260 mm. 62 pages

Edition: 10,000





Second edition






Alexsandre Blok

Les Douze

The Twelve

Paris: Au Sans Pareil, 1923

192 x 141 mm. 45 pages

Edition: unknown.





Edition with the 1918 illustrations





Alexsandre Blok

Les Douze

The Twelve

Paris: Librairie des Cinq Continents, 1967

273 x 220 mm.122 pages.

Edition: 2,000.





Bilingual edition French and Russian Edition with the 1918 illustrations





Aleksandr Blok


The Twelve

Moscow: Kniga, 1980

318 x 245 mm. 62 pages

Edition: 3,000




Reprint of the 1918 edition with a separate book with  commentaries in a slipcase.




Alexander Blok

The Twelve and the Scythians

London: The Journeyman Press, 1982

196 x 128 mm. 80 pages

Edition: unknown.





Edition with the 1918 illustrations